Dan O’Day and David H. Lawrence XVII invite you to become an ACX Audiobook Master…
What Is The ACX Home Study Audiobook Master Class?
A four-week class produced by Dan O’Day (radio & voiceover marketing guru) and taught by David H. Lawrence XVII (Audible Approved Producer of nearly 200 audiobooks over the past three decades).
Don’t worry; you don’t have to master everything in 4 weeks. You’ll have access to all the learning materials forever.
Who Is This Class For?
It’s for actors, voice talents and storytellers who want to take control of their lives and their careers… starting today.
Learn Without Leaving Your House.
Your ACX Home Study Master Class will be taught via mp3 audio recordings, streaming online videos, and PDF Study Guides & documents.
Absorb every element when you want, where you want, and as many times as you want.
You’ll have access to all the learning materials forever.
Online Video Instruction
As a member of our ACX Home Study Master Class, you’ll receive lifetime access to our private class site, including 40+ videos to walk you through the key elements — including all of the technical steps involved.
From “basic” (e.g., filling out your ACX profile for optimal effectiveness) to “advanced” (e.g., how to do David’s “stairstep” method of editing your audio recordings)….
We’re with you every step of the way.
(Don’t worry, the technical stuff is easy. We’re just making it even easier for you to learn it.)
Detailed PDF Study Guides
We’re going to cover a lot of material in these four weeks.
Your PDF Study Guides will give you a head start on each week’s training.
Weekly Assignments
Hey, we can’t make you do these assignments.
But we want you to achieve audiobook success as quickly as possible.
And we know these assignments will help you do just that.
To Achieve the Fastest Results, We Recommend Following this Schedule.
We carefully constructed for you a 4-week schedule comprised of 11 modules.
It’s a lot of information, but we’ve created a 4-week structure that already has been proven to work.
You can take longer than 4 weeks if you wish. (Take as long as you want.)
Or put yourself on the “fast track” by following the 4-week schedule we’ve laid out for you.
On each of four consecutive Mondays, you’ll receive:
- That week’s Study Guide — a detailed blueprint that enables us to take you by the hand and lead you through each step.
- Permanent access to the video recording of that week’s class that covers two or more modules (see curriculum below).
- A downloadable mp3 audio recording of that week’s class.
- Instructional videos that walk you through any aspect of ACX and/or audiobook recording that anyone might possibly find confusing without seeing how it’s done.
On each of four consecutive Thursdays, you’ll receive both the video and an mp3 audio recording of the Q&A class in which we answer every question our “live” students had about anything discussed in that week’s modules.
Important: At the end of the course, you’ll be able to ask any questions you still might have in a live Q&A call with Dan, David and the entire Home Study class.
On two of those Thursdays, you’ll also receive extraordinarily valuable recorded bonus calls.
One of the bonus calls provides a unique look at hiring audiobook narrators…from the perspective of a best-selling author who hires narrators via ACX.
You’ll learn first-hand what makes an author jump at the chance to hire you…or run like heck in the opposite direction.
(As a result, you’ll never make the mistakes so many narrators do.)
The second bonus call provides an expert look at mic placement in a sound-dampened environment. Hint: Most narrators make the same fatal error.
Live “Q&A” Class
One week after the 4-week Home Study course, we’ll have a live Q&A class during which you can ask any question(s) you still have about audiobook narration & ACX.
The call will be live.
But if you have a schedule conflict, naturally we’ll provide you with the mp3 recording afterward.
You can even email us your questions in advance, to make sure they’re asked during the live call.
Client Management Email Templates
During our ACX Master Class, you’ll learn how to take the lead in your collaboration with the author from beginning to end.
Most or all of your communications will be via email.
But what do you say in those emails?
By the end of the class, you’ll have a firm understanding of the psychology of ACX client management.
To make it as easy as possible for you to transform your understanding into daily practice, we’ll give the actual email templates that David has created and used so successfully in his own audiobook career.
Just copy & paste as needed, and you can concentrate on delivering excellent performances and cultivating long-term relationships with authors.
Private Mastermind Group #1
(first 5 weeks)
Once you’ve registered, you’ll be invited to join our new, private online Mastermind Group only for our Home Study students.
You are not taking this new journey alone.
You’ll be able to:
– compare notes with fellow classmates and peers
– share challenges and questions
– share recommendations, solutions, and successes
Both David and Dan will be regular participants in this Mastermind Group, too.
You’re not in this alone!
This private group will be hosted on Facebook.
It’ll be invisible to the rest of the world, but it will be an ongoing resource of encouragement and information for you.
Private Mastermind Group #2
After you’ve completed the first four weeks, you’ll be invited to join our permanent ACX Mastermind Group.
This is the Mastermind Group you’ve heard so much about.
An experienced, incredibly generous bunch of pros…
…who will be waiting to welcome you to become part of the savviest, coolest and smartest Mastermind Group in the History of the World.*
This Mastermind Group doesn’t devote itself to gossip or sharing cute videos…or complaining about how “tough” it is to succeed with audiobook narration.
This is a group of pros who are succeeding on ACX…
…and who will be eager to help you with your success.
Both David and Dan are regular participants in this Mastermind Group, too.
*Your coolness may vary. Sure, we’re biased. But ask anyone in our Mastermind Group.
We Will Promote Your Audiobooks (and Your Authors).
You think you don’t know much about marketing audiobooks? Here’s a shocker:
The authors with whom you’ll be partnering probably know absolutely nothing about marketing.
We’ll equip you with an added advantage that virtually no other narrators have:
A platform from which to promote the books you record.
For each ACX title you record after joining our Master Class, we will:
Promote your audiobook via the ACXMasterClass website.
Promote your audiobook via a battery of social media sites.
Promote your audiobook via our exclusive Video Marketing
To take advantage of this extraordinary bonus feature, you’ll need to create a simple “video” for each audiobook.
Don’t worry, we’ll teach you exactly how to do it. It’s easy.
Once you’ve given us the video, we’ll do the rest.
Result: Much higher online visibility for your audiobooks, which can lead to more sales for you and your authors…
…and which will make you a much more likely candidate for their “narrator of choice.”
We Will Promote You.
Once you have recorded at least one ACX audiobook, we will feature you on our website as an alumnus — with a link directly to your ACX profile.
Result: Higher online visibility for you as an audiobook narrator, increasing the likelihood of your being found by authors searching for people to record their titles.
Week One (June 8)
How to Profit from the ACX Marketplace
Inside ACX: How the Pieces Fit
Union Members: The Real Story for SAG-AFTRA members
Union vs. Non-Union
6 Reasons Why You Want to Be on Audible.com
How You Make Money
How You Get Paid
How ACX Promotes You
5 Common Misconceptions About ACX
20 Reasons ACX Is Better for You than “Pay-to-Play” Sites
Creating Your ACX Profile: Step-by-Step Guide
How to Join
Creating a Profile that Attracts Jobs
Most Important Element of your Profile (most people miss this)
6 Competitive Advantages Your Profile Should Have
3 Key Elements of your Professional Summary
“About You”: What to Include
“About You”: What Not to Include
How to Use “Awards & Recognition” if You Haven’t Won Any
Awards Yet
“Your Website”: What You Should Link To
“Your Website”: Four Sites You Never Should Include
Uploading Your Samples
How Many You Should Upload
What if You Don’t Have Any?
Whether to Choose “Royalty Share” or “Pay for Production”
How Much to Charge
Narrowing Your Field of Genres
Evaluating the Competition
Evaluating Profiles
Evaluating Demos
Week Two (June 15)
Your ACX Demo Portfolio
Meeting ACX standards
Preferred Demo Length
How Many Demos Should You Have?
Where to Find Demo Material if You’re Just Beginning
How Often You Should Update Your Demo Portfolio
Your Equipment and Software
Computer Equipment
Mac vs. PC
Recording/Editing Software
Tips for Recording in Your Home
Tips for Recording Away from Home/Studio
Your Opportunities in the Nonfiction Market
Nine Niches for You to Explore
How to Voice Nonfiction Audiobooks
Your Most Important Goal
Proper Titling Structure
Incorporating Visual References
Two Things to Know About Your Audience
Three Requirements of Your Voice Delivery for Nonfiction
Three Requirements for the Listener to Be Happy
Nonfiction Enunciation Calibration
Voicing Steps, Lists and Processes
Identifying & Connecting to Your Audience
Downloading Free Recording Software
Nonfiction Practice Auditions
Week Three (June 22)
How to Record for ACX with Audacity*
*You can use whatever software you prefer. But Audacity is the only software that will enable you to cut your editing time by as much as 75%.
Gathering Your Assets, Software and Hardware
ACX Recording Standards
ACX Mastering Standards
Most Efficient Script Viewing
Auditioning and Performance
How to Match Your Previous Session’s Performance
Input Levels
Audio Silence Standards
How to Build Silences into Your Read
The “Stairstep” Method of Recording and Editing
5 Common Narration Time Wasters (and how to avoid them)
How to Edit Raw Tracks for ACX with Audacity
Mastering for ACX with Audacity
Little-Known Free Software to Make Your Audio Sound Incredible
How to Narrate Fiction Audiobooks
How to Choose Your Auditions Wisely
How to Identify Your Audience
How to Create Your Characters
Voicing the Narrator
Voicing Female Characters
Voicing Male Characters
Voicing Children
When and How to Use Accents
Six Vital Presentation Tips
Fiction Enunciation Calibration
Downloading & Installing “Secret” Mastering Software
Fiction Practice Auditions
Week Four (June 29)
How to Audition for ACX
Step-By-Step ACX Audition Guide
Selecting the Best Auditions for You
10 Reasons to Consider Auditioning for a Particular Title
5 Reasons to Decline an Audition for a Particular Title
Preparing for Your Audition
Choosing the Best Passage for Your Audition
How to Slate Your Audition
How to Submit Your Audition
How to Create a Companion PDF
Producing the Audiobook: A Step-By-Step Guide
How to Manage ACX Clients
Three key metrics to help you identify the most profitable titles
Moving from “Auditioning” to “Booking”
Managing Client Expectations
Setting Expectations When You Audition
Potent Skill Representation
Planning for Success
Booking the Client, Not the Work
Project Payment Clarity
Step-by-Step Client Folder Creation
How to Handle Complex Change Requests
How to Establish a Clear Paper Trail
Using Pre-Written Messages for Each Step
How to “Hand Hold” the Client
Dealing with Client Feedback
How to Handle Slow-to-Respond Clients
Setting Yourself Up as Client’s “Preferred Narrator”
5 Things You Should Do To Make The Rights Holder Want to Work Only With You (that very few of your competitors do)
How to Manage ACX Projects
Acquiring Necessary Assets
Setting Your Production Schedule
Scheduling Your Delivery Date
When Not to Begin Working
Scheduling for Disaster
Special Research Before You Begin Recording
How to Avoid a Nightmare
Which Files to Save, and for How Long
Responding to Revision Requests
When to Invoice the Client
How to Create Your Own Retail Sample of Finished Audiobook
How & When to “Sanitize” Your Retail Sample
How to Earn More From Every Sale (Even without Royalty Share)
What Happens Next
Retail Sample Sanitization
Promoting Your Audiobook
Scheduling for Disaster
9pm Eastern
6pm Pacific
Your mp3 recordings of the weekly Q&A classes will answer virtually every question you might think of.
This live Q&A class will address any remaining questions you might have.
If you can’t make the call “live,” you’ll be be invited to submit your questions in advance and you’ll hear them answered in your mp3 recording of this Q&A class.
Open to U.S., UK, Canada and Ireland Residents
At present, ACX is open only to
• U.S. citizens with a Social Security
x number.
• U.S residents (not necessarily citizens)
x of the United States who have a valid
x U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number x
x and are able to submit Form W9.
• Canadian citizens and residents who
x have a Canadian Tax I.D., a Canadian
x bank account, and a Canadian address.
• UK citizens and residents who have a
x UK Tax I.D. (your National Insurance
x I.D. will suffice), a UK bank account, and
x a UK address.
• Irish citizens and residents who have
x an Irish Tax I.D., an Irish bank account,
x and an Irish address.
If you don’t meet any of the requirements above, we do not recommend that you join this exclusive Master Class.